Hi everyone,
In the midst of everything that is happening, I hope you are well. I'd like to recruit for the Winter/Spring 2022 edition of the PEER Network Writing Buddies.
I know well myself that keeping up with my research ambitions can seem impossible with every other demand on my time, but I know that it is really important. Writing with my Writing Buddies group has helped me set aside at least some time to focus on my research work.
If you're interested in being paired with 2 or 3 other writing-minded folks, please fill out the short survey here: https://ucsd.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_7PUQyqdqDpAwj3M
I will be making groups starting on Monday, Jan. 24th, so it would be great if you could reply by then!
Best, Melinda