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Welcome to the Small Institution Faculty Special Interest Group!

The Small Institution Faculty SIG is a community within SABER specifically designed to support faculty members at small institutions. If you find that the term "small" resonates with your professional environment, this group is likely a fit for you. Our members typically navigate the unique challenges of limited resources, such as no graduate teaching assistants, small allowance for annual professional development, scarce support for research, and the necessity to wear multiple hats.

Key characteristics of faculty in our group often include teaching smaller class sections (fewer than 75 students), conducting our own lab sessions, and juggling a full teaching load with advising, program assessment, curriculum development, and extensive university committee service. Faculty in our group often teach at primarily undergraduate institutions and might include those from faith-based schools. The breadth of these roles, while demanding, also cultivates a rich, multifaceted skill set that we aim to support and expand through this SIG.


The primary purpose of this group is to provide a platform for like-minded faculty to connect, share insights, and collaborate within SABER. Whether you're looking for research collaborators, seeking advice on integrating the latest best practices supported by discipline-based education research into your teaching, or simply need to discuss the nuances of managing multiple roles at a smaller institution, this SIG offers a space to explore these topics in depth.

We convene via Zoom every other month to facilitate discussions and foster connections that transcend geographic and institutional boundaries. We warmly invite new members to join us. Come engage with peers who understand the unique dynamics of small institutions and discover new opportunities for professional growth and collaboration.

To join, contact:

Staci Johnson sjohnson@swu.edu

Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
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