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Past SABER Celebrations

We welcome to our community anyone that identifies as a PEER educator and/or an ally. Learn More >

Members of our PEER Network we've chosen to feature in the past are highlighted below.

  • 06/28/2024 2:26 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Miriam Segura is the President-elect of SABER, a Professor of Biology, and the Harry B Forester Eminent Scholars Chair at University of North Georgia (UNG). She has been recognized for her excellence in teaching by receiving the UNG annual Distinguished Teaching Award and being named the 2017 Inspiring Leader in STEM by INSIGHT into Diversity magazine. Learn more about Miriam’s research, tips for finding mentors, and her work with SABER in the interview linked below.

    Click Here for Full Interview

  • 04/05/2024 10:02 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Marcos Garcia-Ojeda

    The SABER PEER Network Advocacy subgroup is focused on advocating for anyone who identifies as a PEER (Persons Excluded due to their Ethnicity or Race). The subgroup posts quarterly Spotlights on the SABER website to highlight the accomplishments and visions of PEER members within the SABER community. Recently, Marcos Garcia-Ojeda, took some time to have a conversation about his training trajectory in Discipline-Based Education Research (DBER).

    Click here for Full Interview

  • 03/27/2024 2:21 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Jennifer GarciaJennifer Garcia is the current chair of SABER's PEER Network's Advocacy Group and a graduate student in the Chemistry Department at Purdue University. She's recently been accepted into several Future Faculty Programs, won the Boiler Changemaker Award, and won the Gordon Research Conference Carl Storm Underrepresented Minority Fellowship. We recently interviewed her to learn more about her work and visions in STEM education.

    Click here for Full Interview

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