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Getting here...


For those flying into the meeting, we encourage you to book flights for the Minneapolis airport (MSP).

Ground Transportation
The Light Rail Transit will take you from airport to front door of The Graduate Hotel.


  • Take Blue line north to the US Bank Stadium stop
  • Walk across the tracks and take the Green line toward St. Paul
  • Exit at the East Bank stop

While you're here...


University of Minnesota Housing
Dorm housing on the University of Minnesota campus will be offered again in 2025. Dorm location is A registration link will be provided here later this spring.  

The Graduate Minneapolis
615 Washington Ave SE
Minneapolis, MN 55414
Book your room at The Graduate 
Or call (612) 379-8888 and request the SABER 2025 room block

SABER Annual Meeting Roommate Search

Post a topic or response here to connect with other Annual Meeting attendees in search of roommates.

NOTE: SABER provides this space as a service to conference-goers and does not take responsibility for arrangements made through this forum.

This forum is empty.

Getting around...

Conference activities will take place at several locations on the University of Minnesota campus. 

The UM Campus Connector and Circulators run every 15 minutes Thursday and Friday. No weekend service. 


Public metered street parking is available around the University of Minnesota campus. The Washington Avenue Parking Ramp is central to The Graduate Hotel (receptions & evening poster sessions), the McNamara Alumni Center (banquet), Coffman Memorial Theater and Bruininks Hall (talks, meetings, and other sessions). The Weisman Art Museum Garage is a short walk from Bruininks Hall. 

View Parking and Rates on the University of Minnesota Campus

Please contact emily@saberbio.org if you need further assistance. 

Travel Advisory

Minneapolis Metro Transit will be conducting maintenance on light rail tracks on the East Bank of the Twin Cities Campus this weekend. 

Key closures include:
Washington Avenue Bridge vehicle lanes in both directions
Washington Avenue from Walnut Street SE to Pleasant Street SE
Pleasant Street SE between Arlington Street SE and Washington Avenue
Oak Street SE at Washington Avenue (Friday only)

Light rail trains will be running, but will not stop at the UofM dropoff site, STARTING at 7pm THURSDAY (July 11). So, you should be able to come to campus via light rail from the airport as long as you arrive BEFORE 7pm on Thursday (July 11). If you are flying in on Friday instead, you can take the blue line from airport to the US bank stadium, and then shuttle buses will be available there that will drop you off on campus: https://www.metrotransit.org/buses-will-replace-metro-blue-and-green-line-trains-july-12-15

You should be able to take the light rail back to the airport on Sunday, but that will involve a shuttle bus that will pick you up within 2 blocks from the Graduate Hotel, and drop you off about 1 block from the blue line (which goes to the airport). We will provide more detailed information regarding the shuttle back to the airport at the SABER meeting. 

Note: The top-level of the Washington Avenue Bridge remains open to non-motorized traffic. 

View more from the Twin Cities metro system: https://www.metrotransit.org/metro

Need Help?

The SABER Buddies groups are meant to exist in the weeks before, and during the SABER meeting. 

The goals of the SABER Buddies program are to:

  • welcome people who are new, newish, or returning to the SABER Annual meeting,
  • promote connectivity and networking among attendees,
  • help make the meeting impactful and enjoyable for all. 
Learn More

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