Call for Proposals
SABER East will feature the following presentations:
Oral Presentations
Oral presentation will showcase ideas and projects at various stages of developments. Emphasis on communicating robust findings using tried and tested instruments and protocols, as well as novel pedagogical approaches. If the work has been presented at a previous SABER meeting, please be sure that the submitted abstract contains significant novel information. Presentations will be 12 minutes long, plus 3 minutes for questions. Abstract should be no more than 250 words.
Oral Presentation Evaluation Parameters:
- The title accurately describes the main idea of the abstract, captivates the reader, and is of appropriate length.
- A clear research question or educational problem in STEM education is identified
- The purpose and rationale for the research/project was clearly stated.
- An existing research gap in STEM education is identified and addressed.
- A suitable theoretical or conceptual framework, or any sort of model, is identified and succinctly described.
- There is reference made to a relevant literature base, with at least one citation provided.
- There is a clear and precise description of the study context and participant information (e.g., demographics) is included, if applicable.
- There is a clear and precise description of how the researcher(s) collected data and the types of data collected are identified.
- There is a clear and precise description of how the data was analyzed and data analysis methods are appropriate.
- Overall, the study design and methods are clearly stated and are appropriate to the research questions.
- Any claims made are supported by the evidence and are aligned with the research question.
- The work is of interest to the broader SABER audience.
- In some way, the work will enhance the existing literature base of STEM education.
- At least one clear implication for teaching, learning, or research in the STEM education field is offered.
Posters should describe work that has not been published. Content may include research or pedagogy of interest to undergraduate biology educators. Abstracts should be no more than 200 words.
Shark Tank
Shark Tank will be a 3-minute, 1 slide presentation with a panel of experts to ask additional questions and give feedback. Prize will be given to the audience's favorite. Abstract should be less than 100 words and no data is needed. The purpose of this type of presentation is for students (graduate or undergraduate), postdocs, or early career individuals to get feedback on ideas where they might not yet have much data (for example, talks centered on thesis proposals, dissertation proposals, or grant/project proposals).
Priority will be given to trainee (students and post-docs) presentations, when selecting proposals.
Workshops may be oriented towards researcher or practitioners. Longer (4-hours) workshops will take place on Friday before the main conference, and shorter (1.5-hours) workshops will take place on Saturday during the conference. Proposals for workshops should outline the learning objectives of the session, describe the activities, and make it clear to a participant what their main takeaways will be.
Workshop Evaluation Parameters:
- Evidence of the presenters' expertise is provided (e.g., peer-reviewed publications, presentations, grants, certifications).
- The purpose and rationale for hosting the workshop are clearly stated.
- There is reference made to a relevant literature base, with at least one citation provided.
- Learning objectives are clearly stated.
- The workshop activities align with the learning objectives
- The learning objectives are written in terms of higher-order thinking skills.
- There is a well-articulated description that seems plausible and appropriate to the topic at hand.
- The work is of interest and would appeal to the broader SABER audience.
- At least one clear implication for teaching, learning, or research in the STEM education field is offered.
- The workshop aims to teach or share usable information based in DBER research (e.g., directly applicable to DBER research, implementing DBER in classes).
SABER East Call for Proposals 2025.pdf
Submit an abstract via CMT. Note that you will need to sign in to CMT or create a new account.