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Conference Workshops

Workshops are included with registration and will take place on October 4. 

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Pedagogical Interventions for Training Students in Science Citizenship

Scientists and the public have a contentious relationship with varied levels of acceptance among the public for scientific advancements. Lack of effective communication between the scientists and the public is just one facet of this relationship. Infusion of cultural values with the scientific facts is a perceived to be the best way to decision making among the public on scientific issues. Scientific communication to the public requires consistent training. The scientific communication to the public training must begin early and the associated practice of deliberation to infuse values to facts can fortify the communication efforts. The workshop will introduce faculty to the use of pedagogical practices in all levels of undergraduate and graduates courses with modules and assignments on scientific communication to the public. It will include demonstration sessions on the development and use of in-class deliberation guides adding cultural values to the science facts. Join us as we explore the practice of the pedagogical interventions in scientific citizenship in this workshop. View presenters and bios

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