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Recruiting a PhD Student or Postdoc to work on NSF-funded accommodations project

Recruiting a PhD Student or Postdoc to work on NSF-funded accommodations project

  • 10/17/2024 7:11 AM
    Message # 13420122

    Hello SABER Community,

    We (Emma Goodwin and Sara Brownell) are excited to share that we are recruiting either a graduate student or a postdoctoral researcher to contribute to research on an NSF-funded project (Awd #2417438) to study how universities nationwide can improve support for science faculty instructors in providing accommodations for students with disabilities in their classes. This builds upon our recent work to specifically consider this need at different institution types (community colleges, primarily undergraduate institutions, comprehensive institutions, and research-intensive institutions).

    Key Information:

    • We are open to recruiting either a graduate student or a postdoc for this work.
    • There is flexibility in being based at Arizona State University in Tempe, AZ (Primary mentor: Sara Brownell) or at the University of Georgia in Athens, GA (Primary mentor: Emma Goodwin). Remote work, particularly for a postdoc, is possible. 
    • Preferred candidates have a strong quantitative skillset, and/or interest in developing quantitative skills.

    Please email Emma Goodwin or Sara Brownell with questions or to express interest by Friday, November 15th. Interested candidates should include: (1) no more than 2 pg cover letter explaining why they are interested in contributing to this project specifically, a summary of any relevant skills or expertise, whether they are a grad student or postdoc applicant, and whether they have a preference/no preference for location; and (2) a resume or CV. 

    Emma Goodwin is an Assistant Professor of Biology Education Research in the Department of Microbiology at the University of Georgia (UGA). UGA offers access to a supportive network of discipline-based education researchers via the Scientists Engaged in Education Research (SEER) Center and the Biology Education Research Group (BERG), which includes ten faculty in biology education researcher. Email: emma.goodwin@uga.edu

    Sara Brownell is the Director for the Research for Inclusive STEM Education (RISE) Center and a President’s Professor in the School of Life Sciences at Arizona State University. The RISE Center brings together science education researchers from across ASU to advance inclusive and equitable undergraduate STEM education research and the School of Life Sciences in particular is a supportive community for biology education research. Email: sara.brownell@asu.edu

Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
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