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Broaden SABER 

The goals of this project are as follows: 

  1. Broadly and systematically advertise and recruit for SABER to broaden its reach to organizations, institutions, and individuals who are not currently aware of SABER, 
  2. Offer travel support for individuals to attend the national meeting,  
  3. Offer mentorship related to inclusion to individuals in leadership positions at SABER, and 
  4. Develop networking, mentoring, and leadership opportunities to sustain the involvement of members within SABER.

Project Team Members include Dr. Samiksha Raut, Principal Investigator (PI), University of Alabama at Birmingham; Dr. Sara Brownell, Co-PI, Arizona State University; Dr. Bryan Dewsbury, Co-PI, Florida International University; Dr. Marcos GarcĂ­a-Ojeda, Co-PI, Past-President, SABER, University of California, Merced; Dr. Miriam Segura, Co-PI, President-Elect, SABER, University of North Georgia.

2025 SABER Annual Meeting Travel Grants

Broaden SABER is pleased to offer travel support for the 2025 SABER Annual Meeting on July 10-13, 2025 in Minneapolis, MN! Details and application guidelines will be forthcoming. 

Workshops and Presentations

As part of the Broaden SABER project, the PI team presents Getting Started in Biology Education Research (BER) at meetings and conferences to introduce prospective members to the field of Biology Education Research. Contact us for more information. 

Visiting Talks and Workshops

Broaden SABER Co-PIs Sara Brownell and Bryan Dewsbury offer campus visits in the form of seminar presentations and workshops. The recruitment cycle for 2025-2026 is now closed. 

Learn more about our Co-PIs and their seminar and workshop offerings. 

Photos of the Broaden SABER PI Team at Recent Events

PI Raut presents at the Alabama Academy of Sciences Meeting, February 2025.
Co-PI Segura and PI Raut at SABER West, Jan 18-19, 2025
SABER Abstract Incoming Chair Claire Meaders and Co-PIs Brownell and Segura at the ASCB Cell Bio Meeting, December 2024.
PI Raut and Co-PI Garcia-Ojeda at SACNAS, Oct. 31-Nov 2, 2024.
PI Raut and Co-PI Garcia-Ojeda at ASMCUE, November 15-17, 2024.
PI Raut attends the LED-BIO Meeting in Washington DC, October 2024.
Co-PI Segura greets visitors to SABER's booth at ASM Microbe in August 2024.
Co-PI Segura presents the Broaden SABER project at the NSF PI Meeting in August 2024.
PI Raut and Co-PI Segura present the Broaden SABER project at the NSF PI Meeting in August 2024.
PI Raut and Co-PI Segura attend the NSF PI Meeting in Washington, DC.
PI Raut and Co-PI Segura greet visitors to SABER's booth at the 2024 SACNAS Conference in Phoenix, AZ, October 2024.

2024-2025 Conferences

The Broaden SABER PI team exhibited/presented at the conferences below in 2024 and 2025. 

Contact Us -- 

Dr. Samiksha Raut
  Principal Investigator
          University of Alabama at Birmingham

Emily Grunspan
  Managing Director 

Broaden SABER is funded through the Leading Culture Change Through Professional Societies of Biology (BIO-LEAPS) program of the National Science Foundation. 

The goals of this project are as follows: 

  1. Broadly and systematically advertise and recruit for SABER to broaden its reach to organizations, institutions, and individuals who are not currently aware of SABER, 
  2. Offer travel support for individuals who are members of groups typically underrepresented in biology or who work at historically black colleges and universities and other minority-serving institutions to attend the national meeting,  
  3. Offer mentorship related to inclusion to individuals in leadership positions at SABER, and 
  4. Develop networking, mentoring, and leadership opportunities to sustain the involvement of diverse members within SABER.
Read the June 2024 press release

Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
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