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Read the June 2024 press release

The goals of this project are as follows: 

  1. Broadly and systematically advertise and recruit for SABER to broaden its reach to organizations, institutions, and individuals who are not currently aware of SABER, 
  2. Offer travel support for individuals who are members of groups typically underrepresented in biology or who work at historically black colleges and universities and other minority-serving institutions to attend the national meeting,  
  3. Offer mentorship related to inclusion to individuals in leadership positions at SABER, and 
  4. Develop networking, mentoring, and leadership opportunities to sustain the involvement of diverse members within SABER.

Project Team Members include Dr. Samiksha Raut, Principal Investigator (PI), University of Alabama at Birmingham; Dr. Sara Brownell, Co-PI, Arizona State University; Dr. Bryan Dewsbury, Co-PI, Florida International University; Dr. Marcos GarcĂ­a-Ojeda, Co-PI, Past-President, SABER, University of California, Merced; Dr. Miriam Segura, Co-PI, President-Elect, SABER, University of North Georgia.

Contact Us -- 

Dr. Samiksha Raut
  Principal Investigator
          University of Alabama at Birmingham

Emily Grunspan
  Managing Director 


Upcoming Conferences

The BIO-LEAPS PI team will have a SABER booth at the upcoming conferences below. Stop by to learn more. 

    October 31-November 2, 2024
    November 13-16, 2024
  • ASCB
    December 14-16, 2024

Past Conferences

Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
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