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Please spread the word: Position related to Research Mentor Training for graduate student and post-docs

  • 02/21/2022 9:12 AM
    Message # 12615670

    Our program offering professional development for graduate students and post-docs to support their advancement as inclusive and effective educators and research mentors...is hiring!

    Please see the complete job posting and application instructions here: https://jobs.hr.wisc.edu/en-us/job/512419/delta-program-facilitator

    The Delta Program in Research, Teaching and Learning (https://delta.wisc.edu/), situated within UW-Madison's Graduate School, promotes the development of a future national faculty that is committed to implementing effective teaching and research mentoring practices for diverse student audiences. The Delta Program supports graduate students and postdoctoral scholars in becoming excellent teachers and research mentors, both now and in their future careers. Delta is seeking a team member who will work with graduate students and postdocs to help them learn about and apply evidence-based teaching and research mentoring practices. Learner-centered and inclusive pedagogies are woven throughout these programs, and we seek colleagues who foster and promote values of diversity and equity in this work.

    This position coordinates programming that prepares graduate students and postdocs from various disciplines to become effective mentors of undergraduate research mentees. Using a foundation of evidence-based and culturally-responsive mentoring practice, this position will develop and facilitate research mentor training programs, with both immediate and long-term applications to creating effective research mentoring relationships. Collaboration with colleagues across campus in the research mentoring space is an important part of this work. This position will also administer research mentor programming logistics, including recruitment, registration, evaluation, and communication. Additionally, this position will be able to contribute to the rich array of evidence-based teaching professional development opportunities within the Delta Program, from developing and facilitating programming to working with individual participants. This position joins a team of staff and faculty dedicated to improving teaching and research mentoring in higher education, and supporting graduate students and postdocs in preparing for their successful careers.

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